SCHRIEVER AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. -- The Schriever Air Force Base legal office will not be sponsoring a Tax Assistance Program (commonly known as Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program) this year. The primary reason for this decision is the Secretary of the Air Force and Chief of Staff's Aug. 18, 2016, “Reducing Additional Duties” memorandum which limits the legal office’s ability to obtain and train volunteers in each squadron. In consideration of that memorandum and other factors such as competing mission requirements, resource and manning constraints and the availability of other professional filing services, the decision was made to discontinue the Tax Assistance Program.
However, numerous tax preparation resources are available. Below are some convenient resources available to Airmen and their families:
- Military OneSource tax filing services: Military OneSource offers a free, user-friendly electronic tax filing service for U.S. Armed Force Troops, regardless of grade or rank, through a partnership with H&R Block. Click on the following link to create an account and file your taxes:
- Internal Revenue Service Free File or Fillable Forms: The IRS offers multiple free electronic filing systems if your adjusted gross income is $64,000 or less. If you make more than $64,000, and are comfortable doing your own taxes, try the IRS Free File Fillable Forms. Free filing software will be available starting Jan. 13. Free File Fillable Forms will be available Jan. 23. For more information on both options, go to
- There is an H&R Block office located on Peterson Air Force Base, at 1030 East Stewart Ave., Building 2017 (the Base Exchange/Commissary building), Colorado Springs, Colo. 80914. They can be reached at 719-596-3366.
Our sincere thanks to all who have supported the tax program in the past.
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