USA Hockey and 400 local association across the country will host Try Hockey for Free Day Saturday at Monument Ice Rinks. They will be hosting the event at 9 a.m., 10 a.m. and 4:15 p.m. It encourage kids, ages 4 to 9, to come try youth hockey as part of Hockey Weekend Across America celebration. Children do not need prior experience. Registration slots are filling up. For more information or to register, contact Staff Sgt. Matthew Coleman-Foster at 567-2046.
Mental Health Clinic now accepting new patients
The Schriever Mental Health Clinic now accepts new patients. You can schedule an appointment by calling 567-4619.
AAFES changes hours
The Schriever Air Force Base Express will be open 5 a.m. – 10 p.m. every day. The new hours will last for a 60-day trial period, ending April 11.
Building 300 auditorium closure
The Building 300 auditorium will not available until March 16 due to equipment installation. To reserve other conference rooms, call multimedia customer service at 567-5090.
Legal Office changes operating hours
The 50th Space Wing Legal Office is closed daily from 11:45 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. If you have a deployment-related issue or need to contact a member of the staff, call 567-5050 for assistance.
Physical Therapist Clinic open
Schriever Air Force Base’s physical therapist clinic is now open. Clinic hours are 7:30 - 11 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. In order to be seen by the clinic, you must have a referral from your primary care manager. For more information, contact the Peterson Air Force Base physical therapy clinic at 556-1075.
Tricare beneficiaries
Tricare beneficiaries: if you had a referral/authorization for service prior to Jan. 1 that dropped off or Health Net (the new Tricare regional contractor) is not seeing, you can visit to retrieve your authorization. This website will expire June 30.
50th SW anticipates Opinicus Vista 18-1
The Opinicus Vista 18-1 exercise is scheduled March 6-8. The Exercise Ground Rules can be found on the Inspector General sharepoint site:
For more information, contact Capt. Joseph Villalpando at 567-2170.
Schriever choir Orbital Harmony auditions
The Schriever Air Force Base choir performance group, Orbital Harmony, will be conducting auditions to fill vacant spots for the spring and summer 2018 performance season. All positions are currently open (soprano, alto, tenor and bass). Any experience level is welcome. Auditions will be conducted by appointment at Building T135, west of the fitness center. Participation in Orbital Harmony can be used towards qualification for the United States Air Force Volunteer Ribbon. For more details or to schedule an audition, contact A. Neal Vickrey at 721-9280.
2018 Green Dot Program implementation team recruitment
The Schriever Green Dot team is seeking individuals to implement the 2018 Green Dot program. Individuals should have experience teaching and have a passion for reducing interpersonal violence and suicide. Recruitment is open to Schriever Airmen including civilian employees, reserve and tenant units. For more information, contact Dr. Ken Robinson at 567-2647 or Staff Sgt. Shelby Parry at 567-4880.
Pharmacy OTC medication program
The 21st Medical and Dental Squadron pharmacy has an over-the-counter medication program available to all active duty, dependents and retirees enrolled at Schriever and Peterson Air Force Bases. This does not include personnel who are on flying status, Personnel Reliability Program status, Arming and Use of Force, pregnant, breastfeeding or tasked for deployment. Eligible beneficiaries are able to visit the pharmacy without an appointment and may select up to three OTC medications from a preselected list. Pharmacy hours are 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday and 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday. For more information, contact Capt. Kyle Smith at 567-4423.
Clinic announces closures
The Schriever Clinic will be closed the following dates/times:
March 8 Noon-4:30 p.m. Training day
Apr. 12 Noon-4:30 p.m. Training day
May 10 Noon-4:30 p.m. Training day
May 25 All day Family day
May 28 All day Holiday
June 14 Noon-4:30 p.m. Training day
July 4 All day Holiday
July 5 All day Family day
Note: Walk-in services end at 3:30 p.m. Normal clinic hours are 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday. For emergencies, call 911. For appointments, call 524-CARE.
Civilian Personnel Updates
Visit the Civilian Personnel Sharepoint site at for the latest updates regarding progress reviews and civilian awards. For more information, contact Maggie Wander at 567- 4351.
Lactation rooms available
New moms, there are dedicated lactation rooms inside the Restricted Area, Buildings 24, 210, 300, 400 and 730. These rooms provide dedicated space for lactation and will assist with successful breastfeeding while serving at Schriever.
Building 24, Room 1003
Building 210, Room 204
Building 300, Room 210
Building 400, Room 203
Building 730, Room B19A
These rooms are available for the duration of the building’s duty day. For any questions or concerns, contact Robert Matthias at 567-3480.
TA mass briefing, one-on-one education counseling available
Tuition assistance briefing followed by education counseling is now offered the last Wednesday of the month in Building 210, Room 310. Mass TA Counseling is held 8 - 9:30 a.m. and one-on-one education counseling at 9:30 a.m. Appointments are preferred but walk-ins are welcome. To sign up, call Master Sgt. Janelle Amador at 567-5927 or Vicki Brautigam at 567-5903.
Logistics planner retraining opportunities
The Air Force Logistics Plans specialty is continually seeking enlisted personnel to retrain as logistics planners (2G0X1). Interested personnel should contact Ed Smith at 567-3082.
Commercial travel office updates phone number
For all travelers, note that Boersma Travel (Commercial Travel Office) has changed their toll-free phone numbers to the following:
General Travel: 833-445-5559
Group Travel: 833-445-5558
Impacted locations are Schriever Air Force Base, Peterson Air Force Base, Cheyenne Mountain Air Station, Thule Air Base, 20th Space Control Squadron Detachment 2 at Diego Garcia and 13 Air Support Operations Squadron at Fort Carson. For more information, contact Dan Bermudez at 556-5179.
AFCEA Cyberspace Symposium seeks volunteers
Volunteers are needed for the 2018 Air Forces Communications and Electronics Association Cyberspace Symposium March 5 – 8 at the Broadmoor. Multiple shifts are needed for March 6 – 8. For more information, contact Mimi Langenderfer at 722-4444 or Master Sgt. Patrick Nichols at 940-232-8631.
Society of Military Widows holds meeting 
The Society of Military Widows is open to widows of any branch of military service, regardless of the spouse’s rank. The Pikes Peak Chapter 15 of the Society of Military Widows meets on the last Wednesday of the month, 10:30 a.m. at The Club at Peterson Air Force Base. Call 597-0492 or 591-9523 for more information.
Military Retirees Activities Office 
The Military Retiree Activities office holds its monthly council meeting the second Thursday of each month at 2:30 p.m. in Building 350, Room 1206, at Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado. The guest speaker for March 8 will be Mike Bobbitt with an overview of the Honor Flight of Southern Colorado. Call 556-7153 for more information.
Run as One event
Join local veterans group for the annual Run as One event 11 a.m. April 7 at Red Leg Brewing Company. This is a free 5K race held in honor of Marine veteran Clay Hunt, an original member of Team Rubicon, Mission Continues Fellow and avid sportsman, who took his own life after battling PTSD and depression. All are welcome to participate and registration is free. To sign up, visit For more information, contact Chad Eckles at 761-8530.
Little Rookies Intro free program
Little Rookies' Junior Rookie ice sessions are held at Monument Ice Rinks on Saturday mornings to focus on helping beginners, ages 3-8, find their love for the game of hockey. Teaching basic skills and hockey etiquette, offering equipment and no entry fee, Little Rookies is the best place to get your child started in hockey. The programs are ran by NHL Alumni Al Pendersen (Boston Bruins, Minnesota North Stars, Hartford Whalers). For more information, contact Staff Sgt. Matthew Coleman-Foster at 567-2046.
Cub Scout troops seeks recruits 
The local Cub Scout Pack 808 is recruiting ages 7-10. Weekly meetings at the Ellicott Middle School library are Thursdays from 6 -7 p.m. They are also seeking adult leaders/volunteers to facilitate character development. For more information, contact Capt. Archie Johnson at 850-420-7358.
Fort Carson DLA announces services
Disposition Services Colorado Springs, located in Building 324, 1475 Wickersham Boulevard, Fort Carson, conducts orientations by appointment. The orientations discuss disposition services/processes to include turning in excess property, reutilizing government property, available web-based tools, special handling of property and environmental needs.
- To schedule an orientation training, contact 352-4186
- For receiving/turning in questions, contact 526-9689
- Environmental questions, contact 526-0289
- Reutilization/Transfer/Donation, contact 466-7002
TAPS looking for service members
The Tragedy Assistance Program will host a survivor seminar and is in need of active duty service members to pair with a child during their journey of grief, helping them gain coping skills in a supportive environment. For more information and how to register, visit the program’s website at or call Melissa Hermosillo at 915-780-3344.
To submit a bulletin, visit the Public Affairs page.
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