Defender of the doorstop

  • Published
  • By Tech. Sgt. Stephen J. Collier
  • 310th Space Wing Public Affairs
Most of us in the Air Force get into a pretty good routine of things. The morning cup of coffee, the salutations to co-workers, checking Outlook for latest e-mails, performing our duty, then we head home for the day. We are, by nature, creatures of habit.

But does that habit mean you walk by the doorstop every morning?

We all take pride in the work we perform on behalf of our nation's defense. That pride should also extend to our work places. So when you look over at your office's main door, is the doorstop wedged beneath it, propping it open, ready to receive customers with open arms? Or, does it just lie casually on its side in the corner, pointed away from the closed door, sadly standing by to do its job?

By not having the door propped open, is your work area showing there are Airmen on the other side who aren't ready to put "service before self?"

Take a moment and look around and think about this: what impression does your workspace give visitors? Are you "open for business," ready and willing to help out those in need? Are you supporting your fellow Airmen's missions by ensuring your duty section is ready to perform above and beyond? Or, are you portraying a lackluster interest in your mission, uninterested in supporting the team you're a part of?

The next time you walk around the office, rounding up your co-workers for the daily lunch routine, take notice of your work area. Become the change that's necessary for your fellow co-workers and your subordinates watching. Set the standard for excellence that your mission is part of.

The doorstop is still over there, waiting to support the overall mission.

What about you?