In-service recruiters provide insight for 310th Airmen

  • Published
  • By Senior Airman Laura Turner
  • 310th Space Wing Public Affairs



              The 310th Space Wing Recruiting Service is officially under new management. Senior Master Sgt. Melissa Melichar and Master Sgt. Marc Gregory both recently transitioned to the 310th office and expressed excitement at being here to help. In-service recruiters, such as Melichar and Gregory, assist Airmen interested in coming from active duty to the Air Force Reserve.


            “I have been in recruiting for nine years and in the Air Force Reserve for almost twenty,” said Melichar. “My favorite thing about the Reserve lifestyle is that it’s like running your own business. It offers flexibility and gives you the opportunity to control your career. It also offers better networking for civilian jobs, civil service positions, Air Reserve Technician and Active Guard Reserve jobs.”


            Gregory has been a recruiter for more than a decade, recently hitting the thirteen-year mark.


“I love being a recruiter because I get the opportunity to make an impact on people,” said Gregory. “I get to meet a lot of individuals from different walks of life and career fields, and be the one to enhance their lives to make them even better.”


            Being in the Air Force Reserve gives Airmen the option to settle down in one place and begin working toward what they want to do after they are out of the military. Some citizen Airmen decide to work full-time in civilian jobs, coming to the base one weekend each month for Unit Training Assemblies. Other Reservists work in AGR positions, which are similar to working on active duty.


            “We actually have a lot of recruiting positions opening up, for those who might be interested in an AGR position” said Melichar. “For recruiting specifically you have to have great management, customer service and communication skills. There are also a few qualifications you have to meet, which will vary depending on if you’re already in the Reserve looking at becoming a recruiter or if you’re active duty and want to Palace Chase into a Reserve recruiting position.”


            Palace Chase is offered to active duty personnel who have completed half of their initial enlistment and can then request being released from active duty to serve their remaining enlistment time in the Reserve.


            “Let’s say you enlisted for 6 years,” said Gregory, “You would have to complete 3 years in active duty before you can try to Palace Chase. It doesn’t matter if you’ve already re-enlisted, you don’t have to serve half of that re-enlistment time. Just half of your initial enlistment.”


            Palace Front is a separate option available to individuals who have completed their required enlistment time on active duty and would like to finish out their time until retirement as a Reservist. 


            “For those interested in the recruiting positions we have available, there is a list of requirements,” said Melichar. “They need to have less than sixteen years of Total Active Federal Service and no derogatory information on their record. There is also a requirement that they score an eighty percent or higher on the fitness test and have no exemptions. All applicants must look exceptional in uniform and present a professional military image. They need to be outgoing, genuine and truly want to help people.”


            The first step to applying for one of the recruiting positions is simple.


            “Anyone who is interested can email me,” said Melichar, “and I will send them an application. If their application is accepted, Master Sgt. Gregory and I will interview them to further assess their qualifications.”


            While recruiting positions begin at the rank of Master Sergeant, even a Senior Airman can apply as long as they have completed Airman Leadership School. Upon graduation from the recruiting school at Lackland Air Force Base, the individual will automatically be promoted.


              For active duty members looking to palace chase into a Reserve recruiting position, it is required that they serve at least one day on Reserve status before they can apply.


            “The Reserve is really looking for members who are already serving in a Reserve capacity,” said Melichar, “or prior active duty Air Force recruiters who already have tech school out of the way.”


              The initial tour as a recruiter is for 3 years, but if that individual does well and wants to stay in recruiting they can remain in that position for twenty years or more.


For further information regarding the transition from active duty to the Reserve, or to request an application for a recruiter position, email or


            Individuals can view current Reserve vacancies, at Schriever and other locations, by visiting the vMPF; Air Force Portal>Career & Training>vMPF>Available Applications>Reserve Vacancies.