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  • The 'total force' family

    Newly promoted Maj. Scott Hollister looked out at the audience during his promotion ceremony with tears in his eyes and a smile on his face. Focusing on his family in the front row, his voice broke as he spoke to his brothers, Capt. Ryan Hollister and 1st Lt. Taylor Hollister.

  • 310th Operations Group receives new command

    During a ceremony at the Schriever AFB event center, the 310th Operations Group received new leadership while bidding farewell to Col. Stephen Slade, outgoing commander.

  • Col. Dean Sniegowski takes command of 310th Space Wing

    SCHRIEVER AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. — Members of the 310th Space Wing watch as Col. Traci L. Kueker-Murphy relinquishes command to Col. Dean D. Sniegowski during a change of command ceremony, Nov. 3rd, 2018. The 310th SW is the only space wing in the Air Force Reserve and has units assigned to

  • 6 SOPS Reserve Citizen Airmen excel in fast-paced space mission

    SCHRIEVER AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. -- Reserve Citizen Airmen from the 6th Space Operations Squadron, 310th Space Wing, explain the fast pace of their mission, which is to provide a backup command and control center for the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Aug. 29th, 2018. The DMSP

  • 310th SW members support local IRR muster

    SCHRIEVER AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. — Master Sgt. Demetrios Consolo, 310th Aerospace Medicine Flight, assists an Individual Ready Reserve member with his medical records during an IRR muster at Peterson Air Force Base, Aug. 17, 2018. The IRR is a category of the Ready Reserve of the Reserve Component of

  • 310th SW Reserve Citizen Airman represents at Broncos military combine

    SCHRIEVER AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. -- Tech. Sgt. Christine Lewis, 310th Security Forces Squadron, participated on a team that went head-to-head with nine other military teams during a National Football League-style boot camp Aug. 21, 2018, at the Denver Broncos' Dove Valley Fieldhouse in Englewood,

  • Space: A Universal Language

    Air Force Instructors traveled to Oberammergau, Germany to lend their space expertise to The NATO School. Along the way, they had the opportunity to visit Dachau, one of the first concentration camps in WWII.

  • Space squadron celebrates heritage, reflects on past 25 years

    Twenty-five years ago, Maj. Frank Casserino had no idea what an impact his work as a Reserve Citizen Airman would have on the future of the Air Force Reserve’s involvement in the space program. He did know, however, that Reservists had a lot to offer to their active duty partners and he encouraged

  • Satellite operator takes silver in canopy piloting event

    A Reserve Citizen Airman and satellite vehicle operator for the 6th Space Operations Squadron flies more than just satellites when he participates in canopy piloting. The sport is a landing competition and the first spectator-friendly form of skydiving, also known as “swooping.”